Asset management training and support

In addition to our expertise, we study your specific needs and tailor our solutions to provide customized support.


Customized support

From outsourcing resources to more ad hoc mandates, our teams adapt to your needs to provide optimal support.


Organization maturity analysis

Analyzing an organization’s asset management system enables us to assess the way it operates (best practices and areas for improvement), in line with internal objectives. In line with ISO 55000, this analysis aims to maximize the value of each asset.



We draw on our experience and know-how to develop tailor-made training courses in asset management.


Drafting of strategic documents (Policies, GA Plans and Strategies)

Our experts help you define the organizational asset management system (functions and actors) adapted to your specificities, and support you to carry out this transformation.


Request for subsidies

Aware of your budgetary constraints, researching and applying for grants is an integral part of our collaboration.


Customized support

From outsourcing resources to more ad hoc mandates, our teams adapt to your needs to provide optimal support.


Organization maturity analysis

Analyzing an organization’s asset management system enables us to assess the way it operates (best practices and areas for improvement), in line with internal objectives. In line with ISO 55000, this analysis aims to maximize the value of each asset.



We draw on our experience and know-how to develop tailor-made training courses in asset management.


Drafting of strategic documents (Policies, GA Plans and Strategies)

Our experts help you define the organizational asset management system (functions and actors) adapted to your specificities, and support you to carry out this transformation.


Request for subsidies

Aware of your budgetary constraints, researching and applying for grants is an integral part of our collaboration.

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    tbmaestro and Ammco clients

    Our expertise


    Asset inventory and obsolescence audit


    Health check and master plan


    Investment scenario