Maxime Canovas, R&D manager at tbmaestro, presents the advantages of this new application, designed to facilitate and optimize the work of real estate asset managers. Easy to use, totally flexible to adapt to your needs, and with its foolproof accessibility, myA is the off-road tool to try out.
What is myA?
It is a management tool for real estate assets; myA “accompanies” managers daily in the collection, organization, and sharing of their data or documents.
Why develop this type of tool today?
myA was born from both our experience and the difficulties observed by and at our clients.
In order to co-construct investment, maintenance, and organization strategies… with our clients, we first perform technical and functional audits. To do this, we work in immersive mode, on-site, within the project owners’ departments for data collection and study of existing asset bases, the basic material from which we extract the information necessary for our consulting missions.
And it must be noted that during this operational stage, the pitfalls encountered are often the same:
- Data is scattered among different people or departments, which usually masks information gaps;
- the existing databases, traditionally in Excel format, are not systematically updated and are sometimes contradictory;
- operational staff (internal or external) find it difficult to access data when they are not physically in the organization…
We have therefore developed myA, which integrates with the 3t* suite, to eliminate these difficulties, avoid data loss and unnecessary search times, both for the project owner and his teams and for the service providers.
What is the major advantage of myA?
In a nutshell: centralizing and organizing information.
Centralize, first of all, because myA presents in a central table the list of assets and their attributes (construction-renovation date, vocation, ERP, constructive elements…). In a way, it is like importing a project owner’s “reference” Excel, which has the advantage of being a familiar and efficient working environment.
To organize, then, because to each asset, is attached any document relating to it: photos, estimates, leases, diagnostics, etc… Everything is thus grouped in the same place, what’s more in a dematerialized form, a not insignificant point for all organizations working on their digital transition.
What are the other advantages of myA?
myA is a full web platform; a simple Internet connection (mobile or PC) is all that is needed to access and enrich an up-to-date asset base, anytime and from anywhere. No installation constraints, no storage capacity management, no need to worry about updates, no maintenance. In just a few clicks, employees and service providers have access whose parameters can be adjusted independently (all or part of the assets) with modification rights (import, export, modification, creation, deletion…). The management is 100% attributed to the manager. He is free to create, modify, and delete user accounts. This flexibility not only ensures a quick adaptation of the application to the constraints of the organization and a saving of time (and cost) but also contributes to improving the quality of intervention of the service providers, who have access in real-time to any information necessary for their mission.
What developments are you planning for myA?
We are working closely with our clients who are already using it to identify areas for improvement and developments to be implemented. For example, the first tests prompted us to deploy a geospatial view of assets. Other innovations are currently being studied, but, be patient, they will be discovered soon.
A word to finish it off?
Try myA, we are developing it for you and with you!
*3t is the tbmaestro software suite grouping the 2 web applications: evA and myA.